2021: from $233 to $8.5k MRR

We look back on a year filled with milestones, and took a huge leap in realizing our dream: building the simplest, yet powerful form builder, while creating a sustainable lifestyle business for our family.

One year after launching, we're proud to be able to say that today 16 700 people rely on Tally to create forms and collect data, leads, payments, feedback and more.

  • 25 000 forms have been created
  • 1 million form submissions have been collected
  • We grew from $233 to $8.5k MRR
  • Our user base evolved from 1 000 to 16 700 users

We shipped, learned, and fixed. Tally became more powerful, customizable, easier to use, and integrates with more of your favorite tools. With more than 50 new features, our highlights include custom domains, popup forms, Notion integration, conditional logic, webhooks and dynamic email notifications.

Looking back on 2021

Thank you

We're a team of 2, but we didn't get here alone. We have a dedicated community of Tally users who are creating content, giving us feedback, promoting and cheering for us. They kept us going, pushed us in the right direction, and helped to make Tally better every day.

Reflecting on 2021 gets us even more excited about what's next in 2022. We wish you warm and happy holidays, and a great New Year.

Thank you 2021, it's been a fantastic ride.

Marie & Filip